HK$ 3950.00 – HK$ 10070.00Classic Cigars
Cuban cigars are the best among cigars. Burning ashes are white as snow; tobacco rolling is tight and straight. Cigars have gradually become a consumer product in pursuit of quality life. Cuba is endowed with excellent conditions. The tobacco plant is the extraction of the essence of sunlight and soil, combined with the long history of cigarette technology, to create a work of art. The classic Cuban cigars suit those new to cigars who understand and find their favorite brands and flavors. They are also usually enjoyed by cigar aficionados. It includes all well-known Cuban cigar brands and is highly cost-effective.
Collection Cigars
The reserve cigar wrappers are only chosen from top-quality tobacco leaves produced in the core production areas of Cuba. The tobacco leaves are aged for two years or more. At the same time, as age increases, it will bring a better mellow and aromatic taste. But the stock is gradually decreasing and is scarce in the market. These limited or reserve edition cigars are the best choice for gifts and collections. They are exquisitely packaged and have a particular band, which symbolizes their unparalleled status.
Vintage Cigars
Aged Cuban cigars are top-rated among smokers. With unique tastes and collectible value, aged cigars are rare in the market and hard to be found. Unlike other cigars, his flavor is more mellow. Smoke-aged cigars are another realm of enjoying cigars, like getting into a period of history and experiencing an incredible story.
Cigar Accessories
Cigar accessories series include humidor humidor, cigar clipper, Ashtray, lighter, etc. Combining classic traditions and craftsmanship, we create a cigar accessory that combines aesthetics and practicality, which can be used for cigar enjoyment or collection.
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